九龍灣1000尺市區日式木系寵物友善BBQ Party Room,最岩相約大班親戚朋友一齊聚會!
Appointment Required:
Tel : 55379303
Click above link to phone call
Whatsapp : 55379303
Click link to Whatsapp CS
Participation Date: | 19/05/2024 |
Best Item: | BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $240 |
Best Item: | 飛鏢 |
Sepdning per head: | $220 |
Best Item: | 飛鏢 |
Sepdning per head: | $250 |
Best Item: | switch |
Sepdning per head: | $220 |
Participation Date: | 04/05/2024 |
Best Item: | 桌球枱BBQ |
Participation Date: | 02/06/2024 |
Best Item: | BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $230 |
Participation Date: | 20/05/2024 |
Best Item: | BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $218 |
Best Item: | bbq |
Sepdning per head: | $250 |
Best Item: | bbq |
Sepdning per head: | $218 |
Best Item: | Party room |
Sepdning per head: | $300 |
Participation Date: | 26/04/2024 |
Best Item: | 打麻將 |
Sepdning per head: | $328 |
Best Item: | 飛鏢 |
Sepdning per head: | $328 |
Best Item: | 桌上遊戲 |
Sepdning per head: | $200 |
Best Item: | 卡拉OK |
Sepdning per head: | $218 |
Best Item: | 乒乓波 |
Sepdning per head: | $250 |
Best Item: | 乒乓波, BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $458 |
Best Item: | 乒乓球,街機 |
Sepdning per head: | $250 |
Best Item: | 唱K |
Sepdning per head: | $200 |
Participation Date: | 04/05/2024 |
Best Item: | 寵物cosplay, BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $458 |
Best Item: | 唱k |
Sepdning per head: | $198 |
Best Item: | 健康茶飲, BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $408 |
Best Item: | BBQ |
Sepdning per head: | $408 |
Best Item: | 唱K |
Sepdning per head: | $236 |
Best Item: | 桌球乒乓球 |
Sepdning per head: | $198 |
Best Item: | 海鮮BBQ |