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HK ROLLER SKATING SCHOOL | Children Roller | 39% off | MegaBox Kownloon Bay

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4.7 / 5

Hong Kong Roller Skating School Information

🎉Google score 4.9.

🎉The largest indoor roller skating school in Hong Kong, covering an area of more than 25,000 square feet.

🎉Convenient transportation, in the urban Kowloon Bay mega boxIndoor roller skating experience course

Target: Children aged 4-17

Experience sessions include borrowing full roller skating gear

Coach ratio: The ratio of the number of coaches to students in the experience class is at most 1:4

Experience content: The coach will teach the students to fall safely, stand up and move forward in the experience class. If the participants already understand the above skills, the instructor will recommend courses of different levels according to the assessed technical level. Students need to complete the above actions independently before they can enroll in the regular class. If you can't complete it, you can enroll in a private class until you can complete the above actions.

Participate in the children's roller skating experience course, let the children have a preliminary experience, understand their interests and abilities, and choose the most suitable level course for them in the future
Almost perfect Google rating (4.9)
5.0 / 5
4.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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KLOOK Selected Promotion
Area: 25000 ft
Age: 4 to 17
Spend: $151-200 (each time)*

The charges are as follows:  

[Double ticket | 31% off] 45 mins Children's roller skating experience course (2 children aged 4-17)
Same price on weekends and weekdays: average $152.5 per person (original price: 250)

[12% off] 45 mins Children's roller skating experience course (children aged 4-17)
Same price on weekends and weekdays: 205 (Original price: 250)

Last Update: 21 Oct 2023
*Currency is HKD. Spending calculated per person per hour, or per use if facility paid each time.
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4.7 / 5
Author:  沙律妹
5 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
暑假啦! 當然去學野啦,今次選了 Roller 去學。
沙律妹去香港滾軸溜冰學校上體驗課,黃 Sir 很溫柔有耐心教小朋友,和小朋友猜包剪揼哄小朋友學快好多,睇下佢笑得幾開心。而且黃 Sir 好靚仔 (比心心)。

之前沙律妹無人教下玩過一次。在體驗班主要教安全跌倒,站立及前行,經黃 Sir 教後,第一堂都識自己行,以下影片是體驗後的成果。

🎉原來好勁,在 google 評分 4.9,當天職員對每一位在場小朋友很有愛心,教他們如何著裝備。
🎉香港最大的室內滾軸溜冰學校,佔地超過 25000 呎。
🎉交通方便,在市區 mega box
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KLOOK Selected Promotion

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